Cora was born on 20 FEB 1878 in Clay, Highland, OH, the daughter of unknown parents.
She died on 23 NOV 1943. The place is not known.
Her husband was Elmer Lee Gossett, who she married on 02 SEP 1897 in Highland, Highland, OH. Their four known children were Locie M (1898-?), Lorie Madge (1898-?), Lishe G (1900-?) and Grant (1900-?).
Source: | Public Member Trees |
Authors: | |
Publisher: | Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;; |
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Elmer Lee Gossett |
Source: | Public Member Trees |
Authors: | |
Publisher: | Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;; |
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Elmer Lee Gossett |
Source: | Public Member Trees |
Authors: | |
Publisher: | Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;; |
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Elmer Lee Gossett |
Source: | Public Member Trees |
Authors: | |
Publisher: | Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;; |
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Elmer Lee Gossett |
Source: | Public Member Trees |
Authors: | |
Publisher: | Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;; |
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Elmer Lee Gossett |